Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities Minor Declaration
MSU offers a Minor in Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities for students from all majors. The Minor provides a solid foundation and credential for communicating both digital skills and a critical eye on technology. In this minor, students will develop knowledge, skills, and experiences that will help them make change in a world that is entangled with the digital in complex and layered ways.

To join the minor, fill out this Declaration Form. Students may declare the minor at any point in their time at MSU. Further details about the program, including an overview of why doing digital studies is valuable, and details about requirements, are on the DH@MSU website.

Reach out to Digital Studies Advisor Patricia Walters (, and/or the Assistant Director of Digital Humanities, Kristen Mapes ( or schedule an appointment directly).

When giving your email address, use your MSU email. A copy of this form will be emailed to you after submission.
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Email *
Your Name *
First name and last name
Anticipated Graduation Date
Include the month and year
What interests you about the Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities minor? *
Please talk about why you are joining the Minor. This does not need to be a formal essay; just share your thoughts in a couple of sentences.
Have you taken any courses yet that satisfy the requirements for the digital studies minor?
If so, please share which course(s) - title, course code, and semester when you took the course.
How did you hear about the digital studies minor?
From whom did you hear about the digital studies minor (see prompts in previous question)?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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